Early Years Foundation Stage

At Westgate, children in Nursery& Reception are taught in our EYFS unit. This means that our Nursery and Reception classes share a large space, indoors and out. Each class has their own class teacher and teaching assistants, but provision is planned jointly. Our curriculum is planned to provide clear progression over a child's time with us in the EYFS, whether they join us in Nursery for up to 5 terms (depending on their date of birth) before moving to Reception, or whether they join us at the start of full-time school.
We're proud of our experienced and skilled staff team, where 5 out of 7 members of staff are fully-qualified teachers. They will take the time to get to know your child so that they can get the most out of Nursery & Reception.
Our curriculum is underpinned by the prime areas of communication & language, personal, social & emotional development and physical development. Our phonics and early mathematics teaching begins in Nursery and is intended to give children confidence, skills and a secure understanding on which they can build as they progress into Key Stage One and beyond. As a result, children are happy and engaged in their learning. They leave our EYFS unit with good social skills, with confidence and independence, looking forward to the rest of their time at school.
We are very proud of our outdoor space. Its development has been supported by the PTA, Friends of Westgate, and has enabled us to ensure that learning outdoors matches that which happens indoors. It provides children with lots of opportunity to be creative & imaginative, to solve problems and work together- and of course to refine their physical development.
The short film below gives you a glimpse into a typical morning in the EYFS:
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