
All our school meals are freshly prepared on the premises at Westgate. The kitchen is run by Leeds Catering Agency and we liaise with them regularly so that the meals comply with our Healthy Eating Policy. School meals are very popular and uptake is high across school. We are very proud that in Spring 2019 we were awarded the Soil Association's Bronze Food For Life Award, which is a reflection of our commitment to high quality, fresh school meals.

The menus for each term can be downloaded below: children have 3 choices each day including a meat, vegetarian and sandwich option. They choose their meal each morning at registration. For more information  you can access the Leeds City Council Catering Agency at

All children in Reception to Y2 are eligible for free school meals. Lunch-times for our younger pupils runs from 12:00 to 13:00, with KS2 lunch break running from 12:25 to 13:20. Staggering the lunch break in this way means we can ensure everyone is served in a timely manner and gets the chance to eat and to play with their friends. Our lunch-time supervisors know the children well and Y6 children run physical activities known as 'Fitbods' during the lunch break, so that children are active. 

We have school policy for packed lunches, which was developed through consultation with children and parents. It ensures that packed lunches meet the same nutritional standards as school meals. The full policy, together with individual appendices, is available below.
As per the School Food Standards legislation, all pupils within our school are offered milk.  Milk at Westgate is provided through Cool Milk and in order for your child to receive milk in school, you will need to register directly with Cool Milk, and make payments to them directly if your child does not qualify for free milk. A weblink is available below.